Water Themed Waves - Carina Francioso Painting

Water Themed Paintings

Aloha - Carina Francioso Painting

Available Paintings

Water Themed Waves - Carina Francioso Painting

Limited Edition Prints

“The paintings are photo-realistic, but there’s much more at play. Small, painstaking brushstrokes coax motion from the waves, a shimmer from the highlights and spray from the frothy bubbles rising from unseen forces. The watery hues build and and recede, luring the imagination into unknown depths.” 

– GRAND Magazine

“Her oeuvre is a reflection of where she’s been and where she’s going, and now she’s found a subject matter we can all relate to — something important to everyone and everything on earth, that has a connection from one place to the next.” 

– Panoram Italia Magazine

“Ritrare il mare, un ambiente che racchiude in se mille emozioni e che evoca ricordi e aspettative è un’abilità che la contraddistingue e le ha portato premi, mostre e riconoscimenti al livello internazionale.”
“Painting the sea, an environment that contains a thousand emotions and evokes memories and expectations is an ability that distinguishes her and has brought her many awards, exhibitions and international recognition.”

– RAI Italia


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